The Twisp River 60k/14mi Fun Run, the first in a series of eight Fun Run/Training runs, will be Sunday May 17th. This is not a race! This is just a training run for fun-- no awards, no shirts, no fee, no whining! There will be no aid stations, no water provided, no course markings, or any other hand holding of any kind. However there will be 5 Drop Bag locations, mile 7.7(#1), 14.0(#2), 19.6(#3), 23.6(#4), and 30.0(#5)-- label each bag with corresponding location number.
Both runs will Start at 8am at the Gilbert Trailhead of the Twisp River Trail(#440) and run the full length of the trail down river 14 miles to the W. Buttermilk Rd. Trailhead where the 14 milers finish. The 60k runners continue their trek to Twisp by heading Northeast on W. Buttermilk Rd. (FS 4420) to the E. Buttermilk Rd. (FS 43) which they will climb Southeast for about 8.5 miles to reach the Lookout Ridge Trail(#423). The runners will run the ridge trail about 5 miles to the lookout tower, then backtrack about a third of a mile to the trail that drops down to the trailhead 1.5 miles below. At the trailhead the course will follow an abandoned road to an abandoned trail/road for a few miles and then finally join the Lookout Mountain Rd. (CR 1065) which it will follow the last 3 miles to town.
We'll have a pre-run meeting saturday evening at the Twisp River Pub to go over the course, answer questions, figure out transportation logistics and to collect your drop bags. If you miss this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED meeting you'll have to put out your own drop bags or carry all your stuff the whole way--i'll be putting out the drop bags early in the morning on my way to the start. All runners should carry with them the course description and the greentrails maps (# 83 buttermilk butte and #84 twisp). Folks who are unfamiliar with the area should run with a buddy and should study the maps and course description beforehand. This a point to point course so we will need to leave some cars in Twisp and at the 14 mile finish so we can get back up to the cars at the start.
map 1
map 2
map 3
map 4
map 5
Please email me to RSVP!