Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sun Mountain Results

hi everyone

thanks for coming out to sun mountain! i'm so glad the weather was nice as it usually is not like today though, rain and wet snow :(

here are the results. we're missing a few names and a few times but the results should be mostly correct. let me know if you see any corrections that need to be made or if it's your name or time that's missing please send that info to me. thanks.

10k*--26 finishers

0:44:14 #26 M
0:44:53 #25 F
0:47:05 #27 M
0:47:20 Heather Racicot F
0:47:50 #29
0:52:05 Lyn Baker F
0:52:21 Altagracia Saldana F
0:53:20 Jim Szumilla M
0:53:30 Ruben Ramirez M
0:54:06 John Pearch M
0:54:17 Chris Ballard F
0:54:45 #22
0:55:07 #24
0:55:10 Scott Ninneman M
0:55:26 #21
0:55:48 Katie Erickson F
1:00:55 Neil Siviy M
1:00:56 Glen Crane M
1:01:15 Vernon Trevellyan M
1:02:30 Laura Houston F
1:04:45 #28
1:05:20 Valerie Wagner F
1:05:40 Karan Godman F
1:06:30 Elizabeth Clark F
1:18:20 Susana Beltran F
1:18:20 #23

* some runners missed the "sprint" loop near the end of the run shortening their race 0.6 miles.

25k--67 finishers

1:56:36 Andrew Rakestraw M
1:58:13 Frank Jacques M
2:07:37 Dave Mora M
2:10:13 Rob Lang M
2:12:47 Mike Modica M
2:14:39 Erik De Silva M
2:17:40 Eli West M
2:19:22 Lucas Whitcher M
2:20:55 Brandon Henry M
2:22:20 William Worrell M
2:24:35 Ulrike Krotscheck F
2:25:15 Charles LeWarne M
2:25:30 Laura Trevellyan F
2:26:32 Chris Davis M
2:27:06 Elizabeth Joneschild F
2:29:53 Dave Fullford M
2:34:20 Michael O'Grady M
2:34:57 Justin DeLong M
2:35:47 Dan Sears M
2:36:08 Rosemarie Donnelly F
2:36:24 Megan Scudder F
2:36:29 Brooke Cruzat F
2:36:29 Ben Cruzat M
2:37:00 David Aspholm M
2:37:45 Jude Apple M
2:38:13 Nina Bakketun F
2:39:59 Caryn Everingham F
2:39:59 Laury Tarte F
2:41:00 Eric Purpus M
2:43:13 Erin Simms F
2:46:56 Dan Chasan M
2:47:00 Jeff Mikesell M
2:47:20 Mara Lemagie F
2:47:20 Megan Zdancewic F
2:48:10 Challis Stringer F
2:48:40 Shannon Palmer F
2:50:17 Christy Jen F
2:50:50 Dave Molenaar M
2:51:59 Leni Karr F
2:52:39 Kristan Wheeler F
2:52:50 Kimberly Shavender F
2:53:00 Allison Camp F
2:53:00 Angela Loihl F
2:53:30 Seth Layman M
2:53:30 Molly Mae Layman F
2:54:12 Julei Hinty F
2:54:52 Pamela Jacques F
2:55:00 Wayne Ballew M
2:57:52 Tara Gill F
2:59:45 Heidi Perry F
3:00:30 Jason Bator M
3:02:50 Sophia Dulak F
3:03:00 Phyillis Ying F
3:11:00 Gail Forshaw F
3:11:00 George Forshaw M
3:16:00 Anne Raisler F
3:22:00 Jamie Keizer F
3:29:30 Ehben Eliot M
3:29:50 Judy Kotopski F
3:29:59 Jennifer Seward F
3:33:30 Russ Fish M
3:33:40 Genissa Sygitowicz F
3:37:05 Rebecca Joyce F
3:40:00 Tamara Cartwright F
3:41:00 Karen Wiggins F
4:17:20 Cheryl Kelly F
4:50:37 Michael Sebring M

50k--52 finishers

4:19:40 Brian Morrison M
4:24:10 Chris Twardczik M
4:35:04 Justin Yates M
4:38:40 Matthew Simms M
4:40:10 Hozumi Nakai M
4:40:10 Miles Ohlrich M
4:40:10 Scott Tremblay M
4:48:30 Brendan Trimboli M
4:59:27 Jon Robinson M
5:05:55 Erik Brooks M
5:15:45 Bruce Grant M
5:23:10 Rob Fransen M
5:30:24 Matthew Hagenah M
5:33:37 Jamie Gifford M
5:34:16 Jason Dashow M
5:35:15 Shawn Wallich M
5:35:40 Dan Probst M
5:38:03 Chase Mueller M
5:38:10 Dan Baier M
5:38:30 Barbara Evans F
5:42:20 Greg Ripley M
5:43:50 Marty Fagan M
5:49:10 Joe Marshall M
5:55:02 Wendy Wheeler-Jacobs F
5:59:20 Nick Cooksey M
5:59:20 Deb McInally F
6:02:10 Kathleen Egan F
6:06:14 Phil Gregory M
6:09:10 Ben Barlag M
6:10:50 Glen Mangiantini M
6:13:30 Francie Hankins F
6:17:50 Michelle Maislen F
6:19:30 Kris Ryding F
6:20:00 Caroline Ly F
6:25:00 Martha Grant F
6:27:20 Mark Warner M
6:32:20 Jon Karlen M
6:36:50 Janet Casal F
6:46:30 Schon Branum M
6:51:45 Joel Pederson M
6:53:18 Gary Marr M
6:54:00 Blair Williams M
7:00:30 Wild Bill Voiland M
7:06:40 Stuart Johnston M
7:08:30 Michael Cartwright M
7:12:39 Rich White M
7:12:39 Linda Barton F
7:14:40 Adam LeVasseur M
7:16:10 Scotty Railton M
7:43:30 Peter Kline M
7:54:10 Rainer Schulz M
8:05:50 Rick Hasse M